Monday, September 22, 2003

"A spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down ..."

The pharmacy at CVS was a zoo tonight. It's amazing how a simple thing like a different pharmacist can gum up the works. This was my first time working with this guy, and I don't know much about the whole situation yet, but damn ... he seems a bit flaky. Anyway, I got very tired, very fast. And when I left, he said "See you tomorrow." Great.


Whoever made the decision to NOT televise the Clemson/GA Tech game on Saturday needs to kiss my big butt. What a GREAT game ... and you know it had to be, to keep my rapt attention while listening to the play-by-play on the radio! I would have loved to have seen it.

Clemson - 39
GA Tech - 3

Yeah, baby!


Emilie made my Sunday much brighter by coming home for a few hours of shopping and talking. :-) We replaced her old cell phone, ate a bite at Applebee's, and went to Wal-mart for junk. My kind of Sunday afternoon.


There's a steady rain falling outside tonight ... and I think my featherbed is calling my name. I hope all of you had a good Monday!


Thought For Today:
"Those who dance are thought to be quite insane by those who cannot hear the music." (Angela Monet)

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