Wednesday, July 16, 2003

"After all the stops and starts, we keep comin' back to these two hearts..."

Well this has been a long day of nuthin'. I've been putzing around for hours online, while Kid#2 slept the day away. I swear she was bitten by a tse-tse fly when she was a baby. (Is that the fly that causes sleeping sickness?)

Yesterday we drove to Clemson so that I could see the inside of her new apartment. *THUD* It was gorgeous. Two pools, tanning bed, computer lab, big screen TV room, security system, highspeed internet, washer/dryer in each apartment, yadda yadda yadda. She'll never come back home again. And I don't blame her.

Kid#1 will move to his new place in a couple of weeks. We found him his very own washer and dryer on Monday. (50 bucks!) They're ugly as sin, but work like they should. That ought to save a few hundred quarters over the course of the year.

I wonder if I'll get my CNA certification card in the mail today. After that arrives, no more procrastination will be allowed. I will HAVE to go out and find a job. Maybe it won't come today. :-)

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