Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"Letting the days go by ..."

Miss me?

I went to Georgia on Thursday afternoon. 'Twas good to see the family, but good to get back home again too. I spent time with my Mom, Kay and Beth, Laura and Melody, Michael and Patti ... even got to spend a little time with Paul and Hallie, too. There is never enough time when I get down there, and this visit was no exception.

I got home on Mother's Day, and got a visit by my own kiddos. Emilie brought me a dozen roses, all different colors ... so pretty! Adam and Brandy brought me a flat of bud-filled impatiens to fill all my pots (gonna plant them today). We ate dinner together, and then watched the finale of Survivor. Great Mother's Day!

Adam's back to Philly again this week, Brandy's in NC for a few days, and Em's gone back to Clemson. The world's still spinning, I guess. "Same as it ever was ..."


Jimmy shocked me by actually shopping while I was gone. I came home to find an incredible new treadmill in my house! I love it. Now there is no excuse ... daily exercise! It has a fan, TWO cupholders, a magazine rack, several pre-programmed routines, and you can make your own too. Too cool!

Turns out Adam and Brandy bought a treadmill on the same day ... not knowing Jimmy was buying one. Great minds think alike?


Nothing to eat or drink after midnight for me ... at 1:30 PM tomorrow, I will have an endoscopy. Dr. Bour will look to make sure there are no ulcers and other scary things in my esophagus and stomach. I've stocked up on sugar-free frozen Snapple pops for the sore throat I've been told I'll have afterwards. Wish me luck.

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