Tuesday, March 25, 2008

"I read People magazine cuz I'm hip ..."

Obviously, there have been times in the last several years when keeping up with this blog has been fun. You can tell because I did it with regularity.
Also quite obvious, I'm not in one of those times right now.
Yesterday, I turned forty-freakin'-nine. I can't even tell you how sad it makes me to think of the number 50 that looms. Perhaps in the coming year I can find a way to come to terms with it. Perhaps not.

I got some really cool gifts this year ... although not as tear-inducing as last year, when I was told about the baby-on-the-way.

Emilie made me a beautiful scrapbook with pictures of herself and her brother when they were little ones. And that DID make me cry. I just didn't throw it across the room and burst into tears the way I did last year when the pregnancy news made it through all the layers of my brain.

Em also sent me 2 dozen roses, all different colors. Adam and Brandy took us out to a yummy dinner last night, and also gave me a certificate to my favorite pedicure place. Perfect! I had told Jimmy that the new washer and dryer could pass as birthday gifts this year, and I really meant it. But before he got on the flight to Puerto Rico yesterday, he presented me with a gift certificate to a nearby spa. I'll have to peruse the brochure to decide what I want to use it on.

Here's a picture of my roses, with all the cards I received:

Yes, that's an Easter card on the far right. My mom wrote "Happy Birthday, too!" inside. (It's the thought that counts.)

My favorite part of yesterday? Kissing these cheeks:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Dawn, I hope you had a good one. It sounds like you did.