Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"The world will turn if you're ready or not ..."

Halfway through January already ... I'm running behind and what else is new?


My daughter-in-law and her family have suffered a terrible loss, and my heart goes out to them as they now deal with the aftermath of losing a loved one. Grief is personal, and everyone deals in their own way ... and the rest of us feel quite helpless in wanting to make things easier for the ones hurting the most. My hope is that they find some peace in their memories of happy times together, and that they grow even closer as a family as they find their way through the aftermath of this tragic accident.

While I worried over everyone this weekend, I had the most happy distraction of all: I was asked to stay with Miss Squishy while her Mama and Daddy dealt with everything else. People, there are no words. My Friday, Saturday, and Sunday flew by in a blur of diapers, bottles, bouncy seats, and rocking chair time. And let's not forget the "nose buried in the baby's neck" time.

She is amazing. She is precious. She is beautiful. She is a miracle.

And when she smiles in my direction, I melt into a big old Nana puddle. I knew before she came that I would love this child. What I didn't know was how big that love would be ... and she hasn't even hugged me back yet.

(I had no idea that every blog post after 11/07/07 would be "Squishy-oriented", and I never intended for every post to include a picture of the baby ... but for now, that's the way my brain works, y'all. You'll have to deal with it until it passes. I figure it'll take about ten years or so.)


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that every post will hold Ms.Squishy photos, as this is the only way I'll be able to see her grow. And, oh how she is growing! She's changing with each new photo. What a beautiful smile.

xoxo Love Great Aunt Kay

Anonymous said...

Hello? Are you still alive?