Monday, June 05, 2006

"Any little thing to just feel better ..."

Just a quick update so you'll know I can still move my fingers.

Long story ... too unfocused and tired to type out details, but maybe one day. My surgery went just fine. But about 12 hours later, a nurse gave me dose of Ativan (which I have tolerated in the past), which caused me to become unconscious. Apparently I was barely breathing. So I ended up in ICU for 3 days. Good times.

I came home on Sunday, May 28th. I wish I could say it's been great since then, but I cannot tell a lie. (Well, actually I'm a pretty good liar, but not when it comes to how I feel.) I have a drain in my left side that is both painful and a royal pain. It'll come out on Thursday though, and I'm told that will make a world of difference. I thought I was feeling better on Saturday, only to spend yesterday in a fog of nausea, dizzy, yuck yuck yuck. I have Phenergan to take for nausea, but the only thing I feel from it is sleepy. I'm supposed to be having six "feedings" a day ... 1/4 cup of full liquids, which means fat-free artificially sweetened yogurt, low-fat creamed soups (strained), low-fat small curd cottage cheese, or fat-free artificially sweetened pudding. I haven't done the pudding ... probably won't. Sweet things make me so sick. (This is the woman who loved cake frosting better than the cake, y'all.) I'm also supposed to supplement with 60 grams of protein a day. That is turning out to be the hardest part. I'm having a difficult time finding a protein I can use without gagging.

Sooooo .... the nausea seems to be in the background so far today. Keep your toes crossed. I've had my first "feeding" of cottage cheese and the first of four vitamins. Maybe today'll be better.

Yup, I chose this path. Hopefully it won't be long before I can remember WHY.


My heart goes out to the family of Tiffany Souers, the girl who was strangled in Clemson a little over a week ago. I can't even imagine the pain her parents must be enduring. I perk up for every news report, hoping some new development will lead the police closer to catching the person who did it. Emilie lived in the same apartment complex in 2003 and 2004, and it felt really safe and secure. There are security systems in each apartment, and even a panic button in each bedroom.

I'll sleep better when the sicko is behind bars. :-(

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