Sunday, July 13, 2008

"Excuse my manners if I make a scene ..."

A quick Sunday entry here, to say "haaaaay" to you, and to show you this:

See those new pearly whites she's sporting? Breaks my heart, how fast she's growing. But as long as she stays the squishy angel that she is, she can do just about whatever she wants ... including grow a little.

She's crawling a little bit now too! (A few tentative inches forward with a break to sit up and reassess the situation is how it goes for now.)

It goes without saying that my week with her, while her Mom and Dad were in Jamaica, was heaven for me. We played, and we kissed, and we napped ... and then we did it all over again. I did take her into daycare for about 3 hours every day, per her parent's instructions, so that she would stay in a semi-normal routine. That gave me a little while every day to run whatever errands I needed to run. She slept great every night, and woke up grinning every morning. I wish her Mama and Daddy could take a vacation every month!


Brandy and I kicked some butt last night in Trivial Pursuit. First time we've played a board game in ages, and I enjoyed it.

Adam and Brandy cooked a tasty dinner for us last night: a beautiful crisp salad, hot baked potatoes, and the ever-popular "steak rolly things". That's what Adam called them the first time I made them, years ago. I guess the name stuck! I'll share the recipe one of these days, they are YUM.


Jimmy was all packed and ready to go through airport security this afternoon, on his way to Puerto Rico for the week. And what do you know, yet another flight cancellation. It's raining here, and between here and Atlanta, but I was under the impression that those big planes could fly in the rain. What do I know?

He's back home again, and we'll get up before Gawd in the morning and drive back to the airport.



Looking forward to some "Sister Time" coming up this week, with Kay due to arrive from GA sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Clean sheets on the guest bed: check.

Bathrooms scrubbed: check.

Plenty o' chips and salsa: check.

Wine chilling: check.

I think I'm ready!