Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"My MySpace page is all totally pimped out ..."

I promised Sister Kay I'd post this video for her to see our childhood crush, Mr. Donny Osmond. What the hell am I talking about ... I STILL have a crush on him. His dancing is HOT. Might as well accept the fact: I like 'em white and nerdy.

"Care to share your time with me? ..."

Good grief. I forgot my username and password to get in here. My bloggerbrain is broken, y'all.

We had a weekend. Emilie headed to Myrtle Beach to visit her college roommate. So then we stared at carpet samples, and discussed the insane notion that we could add a shower to the half bath downstairs before the new floor gets installed. Saturday evening, we grilled some brats and enjoyed dinner and Canasta with Adam and Brandy.

Sunday was the polar opposite. I woke up sick. And got sicker. Ended up in the ER, but left before I drank the contrast for a CT scan. I was feeling better, and decided it was stupid to pay for a test I probably didn't need. (I would have gone back in a split second if the symptoms returned.) I was sick enough for most of the day that, 2 days later, I'm STILL appreciating feeling OK. Bad Sunday.

Yesterday, I drove to Spartanburg to place the order for our $$$new floors$$$. They said it would be a 3-day installation, starting on August 14th. Whooo! I'll have to remember to take "before" pictures to document the incredible improvement this is going to be.

-----Rest in peace, Tammy Faye. I knew she wasn't long for this world when I saw her on Larry King last Thursday. I believe she was as genuinely sweet and silly ... and full of love ... as she appeared to be.

In other celebrity news: Lindsay Lohan was arrested this morning and charged with DUI, as well as narcotics possession and driving with a suspended license. Now THAT'S a shock. (Not.)


Granddaughter-In-Progress Report:If we had a baby cam, we'd be able to tell exactly who she will look like. That beautiful face (though still tiny) is almost fully formed. She's gaining about 6 ounces every single week! Take a look at the checklist for this week: 1) ears: done; 2) fingernails: done; and 3) lungs walls: secreting “surfactant”... a surface-activated fat whose main purpose is to assist her little lungs during inflation. She's still breathing in amniotic fluid, preparing her lungs for an oxygen-filled life outside the womb. By the end of this week, she'll be weighing around 2 lbs and 14 inches long.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

"But all the colors mix together - to grey ..."

Ugh. Another case of "Blogger's Block" here. They're coming far too often lately, mixed in with thoughts of "Why don't you just stop it altogether?" ... eh. It's totally turned into a "What I Did Today" sort-of thing anyway. Yawn. Sorry.


I'm waiting on a 2nd quote from some carpet people ... to compare to the EIGHT. THOUSAND. DOLLARS. that the first carpet people want to re-do the floors in our house (minus the kitchen and guest room). I have a feeling the second quote will be even higher. *sigh*


The Happy Announcement has been made ... it's a GIRL! We are more than thrilled and excited. And I'm trying hard not to buy everything I see in pink. Em and I are in the beginning stages of planning a baby shower for early October. Sounds like lots of girly fun ahead! I feel as if I never get to see the parents-to-be anymore. They're so busy with jobs and other projects ... and I guess me being in Columbus for a month didn't help matters much either. But that's another reason I'm counting the hours until ...

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"If I had it all ..."

It feels so weird to sit in front of the computer and type again. I'm thinking if I ever do win the lottery and buy my oceanfront house, I won't even need a computer.

Did you miss me?

St. George Island ... how nice was that? Small, quaint, and not too crowded, despite the fact it was the weekend following July 4th. It was hot, to be sure. But the heat didn't really bother me, and besides ... there was an ocean breeze that would knock you down on Monday. The wind was calmer on Tuesday, and it did feel like July in Florida. The air conditioner worked well though, and there was a pool in which to splash. No problem.

So enjoyable was the time with Jimmy's brother, Michael; his wife, Patti; and their family (including Patti's ex-husband, his current wife and kids!). Not many families can pull that stunt off ... but they do, and they make it look easy. I hope their kids realize how lucky they are with that arrangement.

Good food, good beer, good people. And there was beach sand, too. Can't beat that.

I can't wait until it's our turn in September!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

"And you don't have the time ..."

Quick update to wish everybody a Happy Holiday today. Hope you all enjoy a nice day off work, cook out, nap ... enjoy it!

We're off to see some sand & water for a few days ... See you next week!

Monday, July 02, 2007

"I've got so much left to say ..."

Rainy Monday mornings always make me feel sorry for everyone who must get up and go to work. On the rare occasion when I have had to do it though, getting up and going to work on a rainy Monday morning made me feel like a part of the human race. So I guess it's not all bad.

And oh boy, do we need the rain.


Hey, today is my nephew Josh's 25th birthday.
ACK! Time passes much too fast for my liking. Happy Birthday, Joshua D. I'm thinking about you today, and I hope your birthday is a good one. (I say that as if he actually reads this stuff. I know he won't. But maybe his mama or his sister will tell him I said "haaaay".)


I had a marvelous Saturday, thank you for asking! Two friends (Mary & Susann) from Charleston came to town, and brought a third NEW friend (Kelly) ... and we spent most of the day gossiping and shopping. (my 2 favorite pastimes) Kathy and I had to laugh when, after a few wine samples at Whole Foods Market, we got a momentary little buzz ... gastric bypass patients are truly the world's cheapest dates.

Saturday night, we all met again at our favorite watering hole to celebrate Kathy's 29th (to the 5th power) birthday.

Pictured above: me, Marcey, Kelly, Kathy, Mary (half of her, anyway), Susann, and (standing) Debra

(I wish we had somehow managed to get a full group shot of everyone!)

Everybody who is anybody was there ... Jimmy even graced us with his presence for the last few hours of the party! Awww! He choked down the smoky bar atmosphere, and put up with the loud music to come and meet some of my buddies ... and he even DANCED with me for one song.
I know. Miracles never cease.


This is the week that Brandy will have an ultrasound to determine the sex of the littlest one! I can't even express how excited I am!

By now, the baby is about 7 inches long, weighs about 11 ounces, and is tumbling around like a master gymnast. It's hard to believe that Brandy's pregnancy has already passed the halfway point, and in a matter of a few months we will have a new person in our family!


Today the countdown begins for NEXT weekend. BEACH!!!!! BEACH!!!!! BEACH!!!!! We're heading to St. George Island, Florida to spend time with the best brother and sister-in-law in the world ... Michael & Patti! Whooo hoooooo!!! (All those exclmation marks means I really am looking forward to it.)

I want to leave the house clean though, so today I must focus on the chores. I bought a little plaque last week that says: "All work and no pay makes ... a housewife." It makes me chuckle a little, but I'm fully aware that my pay comes in the form of being able to do what I want, when I want. (I ain't stoopid.)