Tuesday, May 25, 2004

"And she'll have fun, fun, fun ..."

Wow. I'm surprised I remembered my password to get in here.

They say it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, and it's been well over 30 days since I've written here. It was easier not to. And now of course, there's far too much to catch up on in one entry. So I shall start fresh, and assume, since you probably know me, you know what's been going on since early April! Whew!


We went last weekend to good ole Columbus GA to see Miss Elizabeth graduate from high school. I was stressing a little before we left, wondering if Emilie would make it ... she's been feeling SO bad lately. But she did just fine. My mom threw a little party for Beth after the ceremony, and we enjoyed seeing everybody!

Speaking of graduations, my baby-child Adam wore a cap and gown at Clemson's graduation on May 7th. Me <----- PROUD. What a nice time we had! We cooked out and drank beer to celebrate ... and did that for the whole weekend. And now he's engaged. :-) Brandy took Adam on a congratulations cruise after his graduation, and he surprised her with a GORgeous diamond ring. Now I'm going to be a MOTHER-IN-LAW. I'd like to take this opportunity to assure my family that I will be a MARVELOUS one.


So now ... I'm getting a bit nervous about the work that needs to be done before we leave for our cruise on Thursday. I'm so very disorganized! In fact, today I should already be out the door getting the final errands run. And I've picked today to start updating the journal again. Ha. Procrastinate much?? After seeing the pictures Adam and Brandy brought back from their cruise, I am REALLY getting excited about the whole thing!


Things To Do Today:

*Take packages to the post office

*Go to PetSmart to buy automatic feeder bowls for the cat

*Figure out how much cash to take on the trip

*Get cash

*Shop for "fancy" jewelry for the trip

*Do some laundry

*Iron Jimmy's dress shirts

*Pay cell phone bill

*Decide, once and for all, what I'm wearing on the cruise

*Sweep the kitchen

*Watch American Idol and The Real World


Yikes. What am I doing sitting here?!?